All Inclusive Chiropractic is protecting you with a Surgically Clean Air purifier

As we begin to reopen, we are dedicated to providing high-quality care while still following the the Ministry of Health guidelines. We have undergone training and education on the importance of hygiene, personal protective equipment and etiquette. Our staff routinely cleans and sterilizes all surfaces, supplies and equipment within our office.

We want you to know that we are currently taking extra steps every day to diligently sanitize our entire office, including the air! With our Surgically Clean Air purifiers, we can guarantee that the air you breathe in our office is as clean and safe as it can be.

We are always searching for new ways to invest in our patient’s health and whole-body wellness, so we use Surgically Clean Air purifiers in our treatment area to ensure medical-grade clean air.

Many air filters have only one or two filtering platforms, but Surgically Clean Air products go above and beyond with a six-stage filtering process.

Surgically Clean Air purifiers and filters are proven to remove over 90% of viruses and other pollutants within 15 minutes. This is accomplished by the use of short-wave Ultraviolet light which inactivates any airborne pathogens and microorganisms as the air is forced through the filters.

During COVID-19, we are doing our best to protect you when you visit our office by using Surgically Clean Air to improve the air quality within our office to ensure you are breathing clean, germ-free air. For more information on our use of Surgically Clean Air or to schedule an appointment, please contact All Inclusive Chiropractic office today.